Make generated pickle steps less pick... was committed by Ian White
Tuesday Nov 24
changeset -
singleton path weirdness was created by Nicholas Rutherford
Sunday Nov 22
ticket -
use YARD was created by Ian White 10:09 AM ticket
Make pickle generate own support filewas updated by Ian White 10:05 AM ticket -
Add ability for pickle models to be referenced without using factory name was updated by Ian White 09:57 AM ticket
Add ability for pickle models to be referenced without using factory name was updated by Ian White 09:56 AM ticket
Add find models with table step was created by Ian White 09:34 AM ticket
Remove dependencies on rails was created by Ian White 09:02 AM ticket
Add find adapter was created by Ian White 09:00 AM ticket
Make pickle generate own support file was created by Ian White 08:57 AM ticket
follow link in email was updated by Ian White 08:55 AM ticket
follow link in email was created by johnf
Friday Nov 13
ticket -
Updated files. http://github.com/ianw... was committed by Ian White
Saturday Nov 07
changeset -
Updated files. http://github.com/ianw... was committed by Ian White 12:08 PM changeset
More links to resources http://github... was committed by Ian White 12:08 PM changeset
More resources links http://github.co... was committed by Ian White 11:47 AM changeset
Updated files. http://github.com/ianw... was committed by Ian White 11:31 AM changeset
Regenerated gemspec for version 0.1.2... was committed by Ian White 11:29 AM changeset
Version bump to 0.1.22 http://github.... was committed by Ian White 11:29 AM changeset
Added notes about factory girl usage ... was committed by Ian White 11:29 AM changeset
Added links to resources for using pi... was committed by Ian White 11:29 AM changeset
Ruby 1.9.1 compat http://github.com/i... was committed by Ian White 11:29 AM changeset
investigate page link model not parsing was updated by Nicholas Rutherford
Monday Nov 02
ticket -
transforms appear to break pickle steps was created by Nicholas Rutherford 08:49 PM ticket
improving singular model assert to sa... was created by Nicholas Rutherford
Thursday Oct 29
ticket -
duplication in "association capture_m... was created by Nicholas Rutherford 08:09 PM ticket
Clarify in rdoc comments what the public api of pickle actually does was updated by Nicholas Rutherford 02:51 AM ticket
investigate page link model not parsing was created by Nicholas Rutherford 02:45 AM ticket
Updated files. http://github.com/ianw... was committed by Ian White
Wednesday Oct 28
changeset -
Updated files. http://github.com/ianw... was committed by Ian White 09:35 PM changeset
Regenerated gemspec for version 0.1.2... was committed by Ian White 09:32 PM changeset
Version bump to 0.1.21 http://github.... was committed by Ian White 09:32 PM changeset
Added missing should_not step definit... was committed by Michael MacDonald 09:32 PM changeset
Updated files. http://github.com/ianw... was committed by Ian White
Monday Oct 26
changeset -
Updated API docs http://github.com/ia... was committed by Ian White
Tuesday Oct 20
changeset -
Regenerated gemspec for version 0.1.1... was committed by Ian White 08:58 AM changeset
Version bump to 0.1.19 http://github.... was committed by Ian White 08:58 AM changeset
More cucumber 0.4 related fixes http:... was committed by Ian White 08:58 AM changeset
Add support for Cucumber tables http:... was committed by Tobi Knaup 08:58 AM changeset
Regenerated gemspec for version 0.1.1... was committed by Ian White
Thursday Oct 15
changeset -
Version bump to 0.1.18 http://github.... was committed by Ian White 09:17 PM changeset
Make release:all task release to gith... was committed by Ian White 09:17 PM changeset
Fix cucumber 0.4 compat issues http:/... was committed by Ian White 09:17 PM changeset
Regenerated gemspec for version 0.1.1... was committed by Ian White 08:59 PM changeset
Version bump to 0.1.17 http://github.... was committed by Ian White 08:58 PM changeset
Not bothering with rubyforge http://g... was committed by Ian White 08:58 PM changeset
Generate gemspec for 0.1.16 http://gi... was committed by Ian White 08:50 PM changeset
Version bump to 0.1.16 http://github.... was committed by Ian White 08:50 PM changeset
Update rubyforge gemcutter stuff http... was committed by Ian White 08:50 PM changeset
Prepare for 0.1.16 http://github.com/... was committed by Ian White 08:50 PM changeset
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